Home page dashboard

Click on the twoPLUGS icon on the navigation menu to access your homepage whenever you are signed in. Your homepage has 5 dashboards.

1. Pending Transactions:  This dashboard shows you your open transactions.

2. Live updates from users I follow:  This dashboard shows you all the activities posted by users you follow.

3. Live updates in my network: You are placed in a network based on your location. This board shows you all the activities posted by users in your network. You can change your network at any time by editing your Profile page.

4. Top 5 Services in Network: This dashboard shows the 5 most traded services in your network. The circled number is a count of the number of transactions traded.

5. Top 5 Traders in Network: This dashboard shows you the 5 top performers in your network. The circled number is a count of the number of sold services.

Set up a Profile

Setting up a profile page: You will be directed to edit your profile page upon signing up. Your profile page displays your username, profile picture, network, account balance and address. Your profile page also shows your services and needs.

To access your profile page, click on your username on the navigation menu and select Profile.

Pay for a Service

You pay for a service with eeds. eeds is the first international barter currency that allows you to buy and sell services anywhere in the world. We currently have 1 Payment type:

1.   twoPLUGS: This is when a buyer pays twoplugs the full amount at the time of purchase and twoplugs pays seller the after delivery.

To confirm the delivery of a service, simply push the Confirm button in the Service Delivery message.

Change your Network

You can change your trading network by:

1. Selecting Edit Profile link one your profile page

2. Click on the Profile tab

3. Select a Country, Province/State, and Metropolis

4. Click on the Save Changes button in Profile. 

Your dashboard will be updated to show the trading activities of your new network.

Change Password

You can change your password by:

1. Click on your username on the navigation menu

2. Select Settings 

3. In the Password tab, enter your current password and the new password

4. Click on Save Changes button to save your password

Add a Service

A service is what you are offering to sell in exchange for eeds. You can add a new service by:

1. Select Create New Service on the navigation menu

2. Or, you can select NEW SERVICE on the profile page

A service may require a service name, description, category, sub category, price, refund %, refund valid days, pictures, and a YouTube video.

Note: A service may not be deleted or updated in the middle of a transaction.

Add a Need

A need is a skill you are willing to buy in exchange for eeds. You can add a new need by:

1. Select Create New Need on the navigation menu

2. Or, you can select NEW SERVICE on the profile page

A need may require a need name, description, category, sub category, price, refund %, refund valid days, pictures, and a YouTube video.

Note: A need may not be deleted or updated in the middle of a transaction.

Deactivate Account

Coming soon

Follow a User

You can follow the trading activities of your favourite user or competitor. To do so;

1. Search for the user by their username, company name or services

2. Open their Profile page

3. Click on Follow (this is the twoplugs icon with the plus sign) to start following

4. To unfollow, click on the same icon in (3). Icon is green when you are following and grey when you are not.

Activities of those you follow will be displayed on your home page underneath the “Live updates from users I follow” dashboard.

Search for a Service / Need

You can search for a Service or a Need by:

1. Click on Plugs from the navigation menu

2. Select the Service or Need tab

3. Select a category, sub-category, country, state, and metropolis

4. Select the Search button to search

You can sort the services by Ratings, Price, Name, or Recently updated. You will need to be signed in to buy, sell or bid a service or a need.


Your messages and notifications are delivered to Messages. You can send a message to a user or to a twoplugs (admin). All messages must contain the username of the recipient, a title and content.

To check your messages; click on Messages on the navigation menu.

Bid for a Service / Need

You can bid for a service or a need. Bidding allows you to negotiate:

1. Price

2. Refund % and No of days refund is valid for

The other user has the right to reject or accept your bid. A user cannot bid an amount higher than his account balance.

To turn off bidding:

1. Edit the service or need

2. Check No Bidding Allowed checkbox

3. Select save

Refund a Service

Refund% and Refund Valid describes the refund policy of a service or a need. To apply for a refund:

1. Check that the service Refund % and Refund Valid is not 0

2. Click on Transactions from the navigation menu

3. Find the service transaction

4. Click on the refund icon under Actions 

5. A message notification will be sent to the Buyer and Seller once the refund has been processed.

6. A transaction with a Transaction Type of Refund will be created in the Buyer and Seller transactions table.

Report a User

You can report a user by:

1. Go to the user Profile page

2. Click on the Report icon

3. Enter a Subject and Content

4. Push the Submit Report button.

You can also file a complaint about a transaction you sold or bought by:

1. Click on Transactions from the navigation menu

2. Find the service transaction

3. Select File a Complaint icon

4. Provide a subject and content 

5. Push the submit complaint button

Your complaints will be reviewed and you will receive a notification from twoplugs.

Transfer Eeds

You can transfer eeds to another user. To do this:

1. Go to the user Profile page

2. Click on Send eeds icon the profile page

3. Enter the amount you want to send. Decimals are not allowed. Whole number only.

4. The maximum amount transferable is your available balance in your account.

Do this with caution as you cannot cancel a transfer once sent. A message notification will be sent to you and the recipient stating how much was transferred. The transfer will also appear in your Transactions table as a Direct Transfer (payment type).

Transaction History

Click on Transactions on the navigation menu to view your transaction history.

Your credit and debit transactions are stored in transaction history. Click on Refund icon to request a refund. Click on the Complaint  icon to complain about a service.

Click on the Service name to see the service and details of the transaction.

Payment Type

We currently have 1 Payment type:

1.   twoPLUGS: This is when a buyer pays twoplugs the full amount at the time of purchase and twoplugs pays the seller after the buyer confirms receiving the service.

Email Notification

Email notifications are events that will be sent to your email to notify you. To see your email notifications:

1.   Select username from the navigation menu

2. Select settings

3. Select the notifications tab

4. Check the notifications you want to receive

5. Push save changes 

We currently send out notifications for purchases, bids, refund, complaint, messages, and who’s following me.

Buy a Service

A Service is a skill a user is willing to sell in exchange for eeds. To buy a service:

1. Select Plugs on the navigation menu

2. Select the SERVICE tab and search for a service

3. Services have a green color theme while a need has a yellow theme

4. Select the BUY button to continue or BID to negotiate terms

5. Select the checkbox to confirm purchase

6. Check your messages for futher instructions

7. A message will be sent to the service provider to approve 

8. See help topic Getting Started>Email Notification to see how to ensure you receive emails from twoPLUGS

9. A message will be sent to you once the service provider approves the order

Note: See Getting Started>Service Match Making to see how we automatically match you up with a service provider.

Meet a Need

A Need is a service you are willing to buy in exchange for eeds. You can meet a user need by:

1. Select Plugs on the navigation menu

2. Select the NEED tab and search for a need

3. Needs have a yellow color theme while a service has a green theme

4. Select the SELL button to continue or BID to negotiate terms

5. Select a Service you will use to meet the need 

5. Select the checkbox to confirm purchase

6. Check your messages for futher instructions

7. A message will be sent to the need owner to approve 

8. See help topic Getting Started>Email Notification to see how to ensure you receieve emails from twoPLUGS

9. A message will be sent to you once the need owner approves the sale

Note: See Getting Started>Service Match Making to see how we automatically match you up with a user that needs your service.


Service Match Making

We automatically match you with users that need a service you want to buy or sell. 

1. A service match is created for you whenever you create a new service or need

2. A match is found based on your network (city), categorysub-category, and if your service or need posting is active.

3. For example, Tom creates a service for a Car Wash in Toronto. We will automatically match Tom with all the users in Toronto looking for a car wash

4. You will receive an email showing the name of the user and a link to their service details page whenever we find you a match

5. To see your service matches, select Settings>Service Match

6. See your matches under CURRENT MATCH

7. To add a new match, Select a type of match, category and sub category from ADD A NEW MATCH

8. Select ADD button to save

Note: Push the delete icon to delete a match you no longer need.

Verify your Account

A verified user is a user that has uploaded a copy of a government issued photo ID and selfie for vetting. Being verified increases the trust level of other users when dealing with you. To verify your ID:

1. Go to your profile page

2. Double click on the grey tick next to the text Profile

2. Alternatively, go to Settings. Select Verify your Account tab

3. Upload the front copy of your government issued photo ID

4. Upload a selfie with the government photo ID

5. Select Save & Continue to send

6. The grey tick will change to a green tick once approved

Note: It is always safer to trade with a verified user. Visit to read more about trust and safety