Use of Cookies

twoPLUGS uses cookies to help provide you with a better, faster, and safer experience.

Cookies are small files that websites place on your computer as you browse the web. Like many websites, twoPLUGS uses cookies to discover how people are using our services and to make them work better. Cookies help you:

1. Log into twoPLUGS

2. Save and remember your preferences

3. Personalize the content you see

4. Protect you against spam and abuse

You can modify your settings in most web browsers to accept or deny all cookies, or to request your permission each time a site attempts to set a cookie. Although cookies are not required for some parts of our services, twoPLUGS may not work properly if you disable cookies entirely. For example, you cannot log into if you᾿ve disabled all cookie use.

Verifying Identify of Users

Safety of our users is our first priority

We make it easy for you to trust by requiring all users upload a Government issued Photo ID. A verified user is a user that has uploaded a copy of a government issued photo ID for vetting. Being verified increases the trust level and safety of other users when dealing with you. To verify your ID:

1. Go to your profile page

2. Double click on the grey tick next to the text Profile

2. Alternatively, go to Settings. Select Verify your ID tab

3. Upload the front copy of your government issued photo ID

4. Select Save & Continue to send

5. The grey tick will change to a green tick once approved

Note: It is always safer to trade with a verified user. Visit to read more about trust and safety